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Web Hosting

We are fully functional, full performance web hosting packages for every budget.

$25 /Monthly
  • Virtual Dedicated Server
  • Dedicated IP address
  • 2vCPU, 4GB RAM
  • 40 GB Disk Space
  • 20 TB Monthly Traffic
  • Free Elementor Pro

  • Daily Image Backups (7 days)
  • 24/7 Website Monitoring
  • 24/7 Technical Support
  • Free Restoration Service
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$49 /Monthly
  • Virtual Dedicated Server
  • Dedicated IP address
  • 2 vCPU, 8 GB RAM
  • 80 GB Disk Space
  • 20 TB Monthly Traffic
  • Free Elementor Pro
  • Free WP Rocket
  • Free MainWP Pro

  • Daily Image Backups (7 days)
  • 24/7 Website Monitoring
  • 24/7 Technical Support
  • Free Restoration Service
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$89 /Monthly
  • Virtual Dedicated Server
  • Dedicated IP address
  • 4 vCPU, 16GB RAM
  • 160 GB Disk Space
  • 20 TB Monthly Traffic
  • Free Elementor Pro
  • Free WP Rocket
  • Free MainWP Pro
  • Free CDN enabled
  • Daily Image Backups (7 days)
  • 24/7 Website Monitoring
  • 24/7 Technical Support
  • Free Restoration Service
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$25 /Monthly
  • WooCommerce
  • Virtual Dedicated Server
  • Dedicated IP address
  • 2vCPU, 4GB RAM
  • 40 GB Disk Space
  • 20 TB Monthly Traffic
  • Free Elementor Pro

  • Daily Image Backups (7 days)
  • 24/7 Website Monitoring
  • 24/7 Technical Support
  • Free Restoration Service
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$49 /Monthly
  • WooCommerce
  • Virtual Dedicated Server
  • Dedicated IP address
  • 2 vCPU, 8 GB RAM
  • 80 GB Disk Space
  • 20 TB Monthly Traffic
  • Free Elementor Pro
  • Free WP Rocket
  • Free MainWP Pro

  • Daily Image Backups (7 days)
  • 24/7 Website Monitoring
  • 24/7 Technical Support
  • Free Restoration Service
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$89 /Monthly
  • WooCommerce
  • Virtual Dedicated Server
  • Dedicated IP address
  • 4 vCPU, 16GB RAM
  • 160 GB Disk Space
  • 20 TB Monthly Traffic
  • Free Elementor Pro
  • Free WP Rocket
  • Free MainWP Pro
  • Free CDN enabled
  • Daily Image Backups (7 days)
  • 24/7 Website Monitoring
  • 24/7 Technical Support
  • Free Restoration Service
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Why Should You Prefer Us?

Strong Infrastructure

Our servers are hosted at a premier datacenter in Germany and utilizing state-of-the-art technology. The platform is designed in such a way, if any server fails, another server, automatically, and without delay, takes over the Server's workload.

Modern Technology

From hardware and monitoring to backups and applications optimization - you get an all-inclusive package to experience the latest technology in web hosting.

Young and Dynamic Team

With a team of young and dynamic people, we work together with dedication to provide you the best hosting service. Our team is a mix of professionals from technical and creative fields who lead Eaccelera and its clients towards success.

Cheapest Prices

You enjoy the benefits of a reliable environment for your website and applications for an unbelievable low price

Hassle-Free Service

No need to have an expensive IT staff. Our Operations Team takes care of your cloud website or application and you concentrate on your business

24/7 Monitoring

A team of highly experienced system administrators is watching over our platform 24/7, ready to take immediate actions in case any issue is detected.

Managed IT Services
Explore State Of The Art Managed IT Services
Our reliable and efficient managed IT services are here to drive your IT woes away!

What are Managed IT Services?
Every business needs to manage IT operations to ensure smooth sailing. There are several moving parts in the IT infrastructure that need to be managed by an expert.
Businesses often outsource these IT services to external Managed IT Service Providers. These providers take on complete responsibility for the IT structure and operations of the company. Think of managed IT service providers as consultants for technology. We monitor IT systems and take action proactively instead of providing on-demand services.

Managed IT Services consist of the following elements.

We install a remote monitoring and management (RMM) tool to monitor all network components, such as computers and endpoints.
It allows us to look for issues as and when they arise. Moreover, an RMM also generates reports about the machines' performance, health, and security.

Recovery is one of the most crucial parts of managed IT services, as data loss can be fatal for a business.
We use cloud-based backups, on-site backups, and emergency response planning to keep your business covered in the event of downtime.

As service providers, we take complete responsibility for resolving issues when they arise. We will be available round-the-clock for any concerns that might crop up.
Although we provide support remotely, we can even visit the site when necessary.

In this era of growing cybercrime, ensuring security is crucial. Your business needs more than just a firewall and anti-virus.
We offer additional layers of security, such as encryption, anti-spam software, intrusion detection and prevention, web content filtering, and more.

Moving to the cloud is an excellent way to cut costs, enhance accessibility, and simplify the IT environment.
Our services include cloud solutions so you can easily move your email, phone systems, desktops, and much more to the cloud.
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